Sunday, November 1, 2009

Beyond All Reason

Sometimes when I think about what Jesus gave for us, it is overwhelming. When I think of why He gave His life for us, speaking for myself, it is simply mind blowing.
John 3:16 is a small verse in the bible, but has enormous meaning. It speaks volumes about God’s love for us. I have trouble thinking about God’s love for me sometimes. God loves me?!? How!!
The Messianic prophecies are pregnant with the very emotions of God. The depth of His love for us is amazing to me. Isaiah 53 says a lot about what Jesus went through for us.
It’s mind boggling! Again and again I slap Him in the face with my actions, again and again I betray Him with my conversations, again and again I stab at His heart with my thoughts. Over and over again, the sin in my life runs ramped! But He loves me. How can I be expected to understand?
I can only believe Him and accept His amazing gift of salvation. His love for me, for you, for all of us is, without a doubt....beyond all reason.


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