Sunday, April 29, 2012

Space...The Final Frontier

Acts 17:24-28

I saw the coverage of the the space shuttle Discovery taking it's last ride on a jumbo jet. There was a picture of it in the New York skyline. It was something to see. That shuttle and it's crew have been where only a handful of people in all of history have ever been.

The exploration of space is far from over, though. We continue receive pictures from probes that have been sent into the farthest reaches of the universe. From the amazing Hubble telescope. We can see galaxies and planets that in the past, we could only imagine. Plans are being made for manned missions to other planets. We have rovers on Mars.

We are seeking. Groping in the darkness (Isaiah 59:10, John 1:1-11). Desperately trying to find answers to the questions: Why are we here? What is our origin?

The answer is right there. Plain as the nose on your face. (Romans 1:19-21, Acts 17:27).

Those of us who have trusted in Christ Jesus have the light. We have been taken out of the darkness. We no longer grope, we now see clearly. We have taken hold of the hope that Christ Jesus has held out to us. We have the answer.

It is now our mission to take that answer and share it with anyone who will listen. To hold out the same hope that drew us out of the darkness. To hold high the light of Truth (John 12:32).


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Solace in Thunder

John 12:28-29

There are a lot of storms this time of year. When there is a storm approaching or leaving, it is nice to sometimes sit outside and watch the lightning flash and listen to the thunder roll.

I can remember times when it thundered so loud that the house shook and windows rattled. We would be so startled. People would cry out in surprise and fear. Some would scream, others would just yell "Wow!" really loud.

The sound of thunder is a great reminder of how awesome our great God is.

In the bible, often times when God speaks, people compare His voice to thunder. In fact, in some cases, His voice was mistaken for thunder (John 12:29).

When I think about the fact that I have been adopted by God Almighty, and how I have been saved by the actions of the Lamb of God (John 1:29, John 1:36, Isaiah 53:5), I am thankful beyond words for the understanding that the Lion of Judah is worthy of worship (Revelation 5).

I know that no matter how bad it may get, I can still trust in my God (John 16:33).

I know that He is able to do the impossible.

I know He is bigger than any problem I could ever have...because His voice sounds like thunder!


Friday, April 13, 2012

Beauty For Ashes

Isaiah 61:1-3

If you are over the age of 5, chances are you have experienced disappointment or heartache of some sort. It is part of the human condition.

We all have that one person in our lives that we can really talk to. The one who knows us better than any other person on the planet. The one who knows our secrets and our hopes and dreams.

For me, that person is my wife. I know I can tell her anything and it is safe with her. She always seems to have just the right thing to say.

I was married once before. The way it ended devastated me. My whole world burned around me. My ability to trust anyone was destroyed. The experience turned me into a bitter, synical man. It nearly caused me to question my faith.

But then God did what He always does. He gathered up the ashes of my little world and took them away. He traded my ashes for His beauty, and my sadness for His gladness. He bound up my broken heart and He broke down the walls of mistrust I had labored on for so many years.

Cheryl is the beauty and the gladness He sent to me (Proverbs 31:10-29).


Sunday, April 8, 2012


Colossians 1:18

The sun was just peaking over the horizon. The first rays of light shone through the early morning mist.

This quiet spring morning, the hearts of those who followed Him were broken and heavy with fear and disappointment. Two women walked up a path toward the tomb of their beloved Teacher. Their faces red and tear stained, their steps slow and heavy. Their hearts filled with grief and the dread of the task at hand.

The early morning silence is broken. The sound of the heavy stone being moved echoes. The ground shakes under it's weight as it is dragged away from the opening of the tomb. The courage of the battle hardened Roman guards melted at the site of this mighty angelic being dragging the impossibly heavy stone. They fall to the ground like dead men.

The stone was not moved to let anyone out. He was already gone. It was moved so that the women walking up the path could see in (Matthew 28:1-6).

Jesus, the Christ. The Great King. He lay down His life for us, and for us, He took it up again. He reached out with His strong arm and pulled us back from beyond hope's reach. Salvation has come! (John 10:14-18)

Thank you, Father, that You loved us so that You gave Your only begotten Son. Thank You for freeing us from sin and making us clean. Thank You for raising Him from the dead so that Christ Jesus could take His rightful place at Your right Hand, as the Firstborn from the dead.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Philippians 3:20-21

As believers in Christ Jesus, we no longer belong on this planet. We have become aliens. We're on our way home.

As I walk on what was once my native soil, I am reminded that what is under my feet is now alien soil. It is a training ground....a battle ground. We are training for a war on two different fronts (Galatians 5:17, Ephesians 6:11-12).

We were dead in our sins, groping in the darkness. We were ignorant of the heavy chains binding us. We were unaware that we had been enslaved. Then the Light came. Our eyes were opened.

It is not only war for which we are being trained. We are being educated in our new culture. The culture of Heaven (Matthew 13, Matthew 18:1-4, Matthew 20:1-16). As our faith grows and the Holy Spirit teaches and guides our spirits and minds, our knowledge and maturity will expand. We are being made ready for home.

Because of God's great mercy and grace through Christ Jesus, we are no longer those pitiful, fallen dead things groping in the darkness. We have been made alive in Christ and blameless in His sight (2 Corinthians 5:17, Jude 1:24).