Monday, November 9, 2009

Overwhelming Redemption

God is so amazing. The expression of His love for us in Christ Jesus is almost too much to handle. It is impossible to wrap my brain around it.

I am a lot of things to a lot of people. The thing that I see myself as the most is a disappointment. I let people down. That's what I've always been best at. That's how I see it, anyway.

The one I think I have disappointed the most is God. I fall flat on my face every day. I deny Him with my actions. I honor Him with my lips, but often, my heart is far from Him (Matt. 15:7-9 & Isaiah 29:13-14). But it's not just me. It's all of us. We have all fallen short (Romans 3:23).

There is one person in the bible that I love to read about. Simon Peter. His story is so wonderful. His is the story that makes God's grace so real for me. Peter is the one who helps me accept that God does love me and that God's mercy's really are new every morning.

Jesus had several conversations with His hard headed disciple Peter. There is one conversation that Peter would never forget. A memory that haunted Peter, yet one that he treasured.(Luke 22:31-32 & Matthew 26:31-34)
In my own words:
Jesus: "Peter, Satan wants to break you. I have prayed that you will be able to handle it and be even stronger when it's all said and done."
Peter: "I'm ready to take whatever comes. I'm following you no matter what no matter where."
Jesus: "Before the rooster crows, you will have denied me three times."
Peter: "Never happen."

Peter did deny that he even knew Jesus (Matthew 26:69-75). I can see in my mind's eye. That moment. That horrible moment. That eternal moment when time stood still. That moment after the third denial and the rooster crowing and our Sovereign Lord turning and looking right at Peter. That moment when their eyes locked, and they were the only two men on the planet. That moment....oh, that eternal agonizing moment. Defining. That is what I would call a moment like that.

But wait, there's more...

Jesus took up His life again (John 10:17-18) and when the women came to find the stone rolled away, an angel greeted them. He said to go tell the disciples and Peter. (Mark 16:1-7) Wow! ...and Peter. That is significant. That is something to chew on for a while. It is, for me, pregnant with meaning.

And then when two of the guys were leaving Jerusalem, they had an encounter with Jesus, and according to them, Jesus had appeared to Simon Peter. (Luke 24:34) I would love to know what was said in that conversation.

Oh, man! The gospels present us with such a wonderful picture of redemption in Simon Peter. We are forgiven! (Romans 3:24-25) Forgiven and clean before our God! (Romans 8:1)

Sorry to ramble so. It is just overwhelming to think about. I have failed so many times. I find it so hard to forgive myself for my failures. When I read about Peter, I am strengthened. I can once again take hold of the hope that is held out by our Great King. I can encourage others with this very story.


Anonymous said...

I understand feeling like a disappointment. I also imagine how I would feel if my children could not get past the grief of feeling they had let me down. It would break my heart. I would say, I forgave that -- let's just enjoy each other. I would want them to remember the grace when reproach begins it's tireless whisper. Then I would want another hug :)