Monday, November 2, 2009

Matthew 11:29

The book of Job is such a beautiful and powerful work. God used the life of Job
to teach a lesson. He shows us that He is the mighty God, that He is sovereign (Isaiah 45:9-12) and that He is merciful (Jeremiah 32:37-41), and that He will restore His children (Job 42:10-17).

We see in the life of Job that God allows us to develop a deeply intimate
relationship with Him by trusting Him in all circumstances, especially in the adverse
circumstances. It's easier to trust Him when everything is going well, but when things take an ugly turn, trust isn't such a safe and simple word anymore. It becomes a complicated and terrifying concept.

It is my opinion that God calls on us to humble ourselves all through the bible so
that we will be able to trust Him more. When our circumstances get tough and
everything seems be falling apart, it is then that pride can become easily measured. Pride insists that there has got to be some way to fix whatever is wrong. Pride explains why it is silly to just trust God to provide the way out and why you have to do it yourself. Pride slowly drains away hope in an unending struggle to find the answer (Proverbs 16:18, Jeremiah 17:5-6).

Humility understands that circumstances are not in our control, and never were.
Trusting in the Lord is the ONLY way to stop the out of control downward spiral that we see in our lives from time to time. When we learn to trust in Him completely, what
seemed like absolute chaos and hopelessness before is now excitement and hope.

When we learn to trust in Him completely, we can relax and know that He is in complete control (Jeremiah 17:7-8).

Once we reach the point where we can humble ourselves enough to trust Him
completely, we have also come to the point where the Holy Spirit has something to work with. We can begin to grow in our relationship with Him and begin to learn the deeper things of God. We can say that before, we heard of Him, but now our eyes have seen Him.