Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thinking About Stuff

I watched a movie today. It had aliens and car chases and space ships. It was a good one. The main characters in it espoused the evolutionist/atheistic world view. Christians were (of course) portrayed as irrational superstitious bumpkins.

That got the wheels in my head turning.

Let's say, for argument sake, that the big bang theory is true. That, somehow, these gases and materials started moving without any outside cause. They collided and it caused this huge, chaotic explosion. Out of this chaos, somehow, order. Okay.

Then, through a series of (for lack of a better term) miraculous events, life sparked in this primordial muck. Then, without any outside guidance or intelligence, this life, over billions of years formed into countless forms of life. Fliers, swimmers, eight legs, six legs, four legs, two legs. Wow. Okay.

If we are the result of an accident billions of years ago, I have a few questions. Where did we get the ability to reason? Why did other creatures not develop that ability? From where did the desire to know our origin come? Why did orderly, civil societies form? How did such order come from such chaos with absolutely no guidance whatsoever?

Just wondering.

Does this make me an irrational superstitious bumpkin?