Saturday, August 20, 2011

Artsy Fartsy

God's love for us is so much bigger than anything we can comprehend. He poured out His wrath and judgement on His very own Son so that the relationship He so longed for could be restored.

God's Word is so rich with the poetry of His love for us. We are His living poetry (Ephesians 2:10). When we allow the Holy Spirit to take the helm of our imagination, such beautiful art spills out (Exodus 31:1-5).

Here are a couple of poems I'd like to share with you.

God’s Robe
(Matthew 27:51 and Isaiah 53)

He knew suffering
He knew affliction
He came to break our sin addiction
He is the beloved Son
He is the despised One
He took on my sin and put on my pride
He is the Advocate spoken of by Job
He poured Himself out and then He died
God limped away and tore His robe

Lamb of God, Lion of Judah
(Luke 22:39-44, John 28:30, Revelation 5)

In the garden begging and bleeding
The Lamb of God awaits the beating
In the cold night air as demons were leaping
His friend wandered shivering and weeping (Luke 22:54-62)
On the cross broken and bent
The Word accomplished the reason for which He was sent (Isaiah 55:11)
In a vision filled with despair an elder tells John to look
The Lion of Judah steps forward and takes hold of the book