Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Return

Revelation 21:1-5

Before the fall, Adam enjoyed a close Father/Son relationship with God. God would walk in the garden in the cool of the day. The bible doesn't give us much about the interactions of Adam and God, but we can safely assume that He and Adam walked and talked in the garden at times. Until the fall (Genesis 3:1-8). Then everything changed. Sin entered the world with a resounding boom and destroyed everything. God and mankind were seperated and death reigned.

God had a plan to resolve the problem. He chose people through history to reveal this plan to, although they didn't always understand (Genesis 28:12; Isaiah 53; Psalm 22 and 1 Peter 1:10-12).

Then, in the "fullness of time", the most significant event in the history of all creation (Luke 2:1-32), God's promise to Abraham was here. The beginning of the restoration of the relationship between God and man (Matthew 11:27). Christ Jesus went on to fulfill the prophets and the law, He would suffer at the hands of the "religious" people and the cruel Roman whips and the cross. He defeated death and overcame sin (John 16:33). He closed the gap and bridged the chasm between man and God. He took away our sin and made us just, those of us who believe (John 1:1-5; John 1:29-34; Colossians 3:1-4).

We will once again be walking with our Father in the cool of the day because of our great Savior (Jude 1:24).



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Another great insight

Anonymous said...
