Thursday, May 9, 2024


Psalms 8

On my way to work this morning, I witnessed one of the most beautiful sunrises from The Great Artist. The clouds were thinly brushed across the sky, the sun had risen above the horizon, and behind the filter of the clouds, the sun was a beautiful shade of orange and lavender. It took my breath away. No description will do it justice.

The spectacle of breathtaking beauty caused me to begin gushing praises to our great and glorious God (Psalm 19:1).

As I watched the sun and sky go through this kaleidoscope of colors, my mind began to wonder at the absolute genius of The Ancient of Days, how all of the laws of pysics and astrophysics came from His mind. It is not that He simply understands the science behind it, He created the science (Genesis 1:1-27).

God's understanding goes deeper than any man can fathom (Job 38-40:5). He is altogether different from us. His thoughts are radically higher than ours (Psalm 139 and Isaiah 55:1-9).

We sometimes think that God created this beautiful universe for us to marvel at His genius. That is not the case. It was all done for His Majesty, Christ Jesus. It was done for Him and through Him (John 1:1-2 and Colossians 1:15-17).

The tragic events that took place in the garden, which seperated us from our Father and caused the spirits of men to die (Ephesians 2:1-3), had a depth of evil and enormity of significance that we will never fully understand. We developed a sinful nature that we all fully gave ourselves over to. Sin ruled over us like a cruel master (Genesis 4:7), keeping us from the love of the Living and awesome God who created us.

But God, in His infinate wisdom and great understanding, made a way for us to break free from our bondage and be truly free (John 8:36).

The Lord Jesus came and shed His majesty (Philippians 2:5-7) and lived a human life, humble and gentle. He suffered for our sin under the cruel Roman scurging and upon a Roman cross, He was murdered (Isaiah 53). For His Name's sake (Ezekiel 36:22-27) and because of His great love for His lost children, He died. Three days later, He rose from the dead never to die again.

He gathered His lost children to Himself (Matthew 11:27) and healed their broken hearts (Isaiah 61:1-5).

In this, God's beauty is revealed. The wonder of our salvation in Christ Jesus (1 Peter 1:10-12) allows us to truly see the beauty in His creation (Job 42:5).



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love it!!