Friday, May 17, 2024


John 16:32-33

As we go through life, we will experience bad things. Things that make us wonder and even ask why. Things that could even shake our faith. Natural disasters, illness, death of loved ones, tragic accidents or the cruelty of another person. We don't know why.

We can find a few clues in the bible.

1. God's confidence that your faith is strong and your trust in Him is absolute (Job 1:1-5).

2. It's really got nothing to do with you. It's to teach someone else something (John 9:1-3).

3. Because God is a holy and just God (Luke 15:1-5).

Whatever the case, it is proof that God is working in you. Bringing you into a more intimate relationship with Himself (James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 1:6-7).

I have been to war. The men with whom I had the privilege of serving are some of the people I know better than anyone on the planet. Some situations reveal who people really are, and seeing that is very intimate. We can be courageous and strong, but at the same time, extremely fragile. The Apostle Paul likened us to jars of clay (2 Corinthians 4:7-18).

Life is hard. There are a lot of things that make it harder still for some of us. But if we keep our focus on our faith and trust in the Lord, even when we don't understand, He will give us peace and restore us (1 Peter 5:10).



Anonymous said...

God is good all the time!

Anonymous said...

Good Read!

Anonymous said...
