Friday, September 30, 2011

The Little Things

I heard someone thank God for 'the little things' at prayer meeting earlier this week.

Sometimes a little phrase like that can get the wheels turning in my little head.

The more I think about it, the more blown away I am. God isn't interested in just the big picture. He is interested in every aspect of His children's lives. He is a loving and wise Father who cares deeply about even the little things.

In 2 Kings 6:1-7, the prophet Elisha is with some men who are cutting down trees for lumber to build with. One of the men was chopping away, and his axe head flew off and fell in the water. He was very distressed about it because he had borrowed the axe from someone. Through His prophet, God caused the iron axe head to float so that the man could retrieve it and return the borrowed axe. Cool, huh?

I have a friend who related a story about one of the little things God helped him with. He had a relative visiting, and he thought of a picture that she might have liked to have. When he went to get the picture out of the file he had been keeping it in, it was gone. He knew he had seen it there just a short time ago. He said a quick prayer, "Lord, I know she would really like this picture, please help me find it." (Something to that affect) Just then, a book fell from the top of the filing cabinet where it had been precariously sitting. My friend bent over to pick it up, and low and behold, there was the picture he had been looking for. Wow.

God is faithful in even the little things. If He is faithful in the little things, how much more is He faithful in the big things. We can trust our Wise Father with everything. We simply need to humble ourselves and obey Him. He will see to our needs, and even our wants (Matthew 6:31-33).



Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your post, "The Little Things". I love that about God -- that we not only get to marvel equally at His BIG magnificence, but also His intricate delicacies. Every aspect of His creativity brings wonder. - Jena