Thursday, October 14, 2010


There is one thing I've noticed recently that's been on my mind. Some Christians today seem to have the idea that the New Testament and the Old Testament are separate.

I have even heard that there are some denominations who do not allow music to be played in their church services because it is not mentioned in the New Testament (not prohibited in the New Testament, just not mentioned). Seems a little odd to me.

Most of the teachings and sermons in the New Testament are derived from the Old Testament. As a matter of fact, Jesus Himself, after His resurrection, opened up the understanding of two of His disciples using the Old Testament.
Read Luke 24:13-32.

Then there is Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. Check out Acts 8:26-39. In Acts 8:35, it starts with 'Beginning with the Scriptures...'

The account of the stoning of Stephen begins with Stephen preaching the good news of Jesus Christ, starting from Abraham. Read about it in Acts 6:9 - Acts 7:1-60

On the Day of Pentecost, Peter preached from the prophet Joel. (Acts 2:15-16)

Peter tells us in his first epistle that the prophets did everything that they did for our benefit now. 1Peter 1:10-12

The Old Testament and the New Testament are not separate. It is all interrelated...intertwined. The gospel of Jesus Christ is what binds them together. The entire Old Testament points to this one event, this one...visitation. The entire New Testament points out all that was fulfilled in Christ Jesus and teaches us how to live in Him. Together, they give us the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The salvation of our God!

thank you for the salvation we have in Your Son, Christ Jesus. Thank you that we can now have understanding. That we know that there aren't many paths to You, but One. Thank you, Most High God, that You gave Your only Son as a gift for us, that He holds out Hope to us. And that You have given us to Him.