One of the tenants of Calvinism is the total depravity of man. Left on our own, people will not seek God (Psalm 14:1-3 and Romans 3:10-11). And, just to get it out there, yes, I am a Calvinist. I believe the bible teaches what John Calvin, Martin Luther and other great theologians taught, which is God initiates contact, not us. Jesus Himself said it (John 6:44 and Matthew 11:25-27).
Some people are tripped up by the term "total depravity". When we think of depravity, we think of pornography, human trafficking, serial killers, etc. All sorts of horrible images come to mind. But that is thinking using our own understanding. God is a holy God (Revelation 4:8-11). His standard is holiness, period. The only thing in us that could possibly live up to His standard is complete obedience, even in our innermost thoughts. None of us is capable of that, so we all fall short (Romans 3:23).
Let's examine God's holiness and how seriously He takes it.
In the book of Leviticus God tells Moses all the standards, procedures and specifications for Aaron and his sons to follow in all the duties of the priesthood. They were not to deviate in any way from any of this. In Leviticus 10:1-3, Aaron's sons deviated from the standard, and they paid the price. God told Moses that He was to be regarded as holy to anyone who comes near Him.
In Exodus 25:12-15, God gave very specific instructions for transporting the ark, and in Numbers 4:15, God designated the sons of Kohath as the ones to carry the ark. And that the ark, among other holy objects, was not to be touched "lest they die".
In 2 Samuel 6:1-7, Israel went to bring the ark back to Jerusalem. They put the ark on a cart pulled by oxen. The oxen stumbled, the ark was jostled and Uzzah reached up, almost reflexively to steady the ark. He touched it and the bible says God struck him. Uzzah died. It doesn't seem fair. Even David became angry about it (2 Samuel 6:8). But God stated very clearly that the ark was not to be touched and what would happen to anyone who touched it. God will not compromise His holiness.
Let's take a look at ourselves in comparison. We are sinful. Our righteousness compared to His is woefully lacking (Isaiah 64:6-7). Anyone who encounters a holy God shrinks back in shame and fear (Isaiah 6:3-5 and Luke 5:8). We know that, in the presence of His holiness and absolute righteousness, we, in juxtaposition, are totally depraved.
Thanks and praise to our great God for the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We have been made alive in Him (Ephesians 2:1-6).
So true, so well said!
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