Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Dragonflies and the Mind of God

Isaiah 55:1-13

I love to watch dragonflies. They are such amazing creatures. When I observe how they are able to maneuver, darting here and there, going full steam ahead and then coming to a dead stop without slowing down first, I marvel at God's ingenuity.

God created so many fascinating creatures (Genesis 1:20-25) that came straight from His beautiful imagination.

We can never know the mind of God. Our intellects are not equipped for the depths of God's understanding (Romans 11:33-34 and 1 Corinthians 2:14-16).

The things the bible tells us about God don't even scratch the surface of who He is. But the Spirit of God, as we mature in our faith, will take us deeper in our understanding of the things of God (1 Corinthians 2:6-12). As we learn more, as the Holy Spirit continues to pull back the curtain, the more we understand how much we don't know (Job 39-40:1-4).

The more we discover through the sciences that study the physical and natural world, and the vastness of space, the more we can see how beautiful the mind of God is. How much deeper and how absolute His understanding is. Our God is enternal. He has never had to learn anything, it is impossible to give Him new information (Isaiah 40:13-14).

In Christ Jesus, we have been given the gift of eternal life, and one day, when we get our new bodies and our minds are free from all sin and are living in the New Jerusalem, we will be given a full understanding of who God is and the enormity of what He as done, and we will worship Him forever and never stop being amazed.



Anonymous said...

That was beautiful, Cheryl

Anonymous said...

How woefully inadequate are we in all aspects…only when we submit to the Spirit can we but dimly see His Greatness…Amen

Anonymous said...

What she said!, Paul

Anonymous said...
