In our modern culture, we have become accustomed to instant gratification. If we have to wait more than a half hour for food or more than two days for a mail order, we get upset. Modern times have taught us to be very impatient. But God's word tells us to be patient. Slow to speak, slow to anger and to wait upon the Lord (James 1:19-20 Isaiah 40:28-31 and Psalm 27:14).
Peter tells us that God is not slow to fulfill His promises. We see it as very long periods of time, but God is eternal. Time means absolutely nothing to Him. In one of his psalms, King David asked God how long he would have to wait (Psalm 13:1-2) and even the saints in Heaven who had been murdered asked how long they would have to wait for the Lord's retribution against their murderers (Revelation 6:9-10).
God promised Abraham and Isaac and Jacob a land for their people. From the time of that promise to the time Israel took possession of the land was about 480 years. From the time the coming of the Messiah was foretold (Genesis 3:15) to the birth of Christ Jesus was 3,974 years. From the time Joseph was sold into slavery to the time he was made Prime Minister of Egypt was 13 years. From the time Christ was taken up (Acts 1:9-12) to present is between 1,962 years and 1,954 years. We, and when I say "we" I mean the collective we who have trusted in our wise Father since the beginning, have done a lot of waiting.
Jesus gave us His Holy Spirit to strengthen us, to pray for us when we don't know how and to help us continue to wait in faith and in hope.