Monday, December 2, 2024

A New Reality

A little over a month ago, I lost my right leg. I have had to come to terms with my new reality.

Throughout the scriptures, we see people dealing with drastic changes in their lives. Adam and Eve disobeyed and were cursed and sent out of the Garden (Genesis 3).

Noah and his family faced some very radical changes (Genesis 6, 7 and 8). Abraham and his wife saw some major changes in their lives as they gave birth to a whole new nation (Genesis 12-22).

The writers of the Gospels tell about the biggest shift in reality ever. The birth of a King who would grow up and save the whole world (Isaiah 52:13-53; 1 Peter 1:10-12). Christ Jesus gave His life for us and He took it up again and assumed His rightful place seated on a throne at His Father's right hand.

He will return one day and His chosen people will recieve new bodies and we will see our God for the first time and will be eternally in awe. And that will be our new reality.


Friday, August 2, 2024

Longing for Home

Job 19:25-27

In Matthew 24, I find great encouragement in Jesus' answer to His followers when they asked him about the end of the age. His answer is a little unnerving, but encouraging. To put it simply, if the ones claiming to Him don't come in the clouds, it ain't Him. When He returns, there will be absolutely no mistake as to who He is. The strength to endure everything that comes our way is found only in Christ Jesus and His Holy Spirit wherein lies our salvation (Matthew 24:3-14).

Things will get much worse before the end (Matthew 24:36-37). I went to Genesis 6 to see what it was like in the days of Noah. In Genesis 6:5-7, it says of man that the intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Wow. Then there was a "but". Verse 8, "But Noah..."

Our wise Father spared future generations for the sake of one man. We see this over and over again throughout scripture. All the while pointing toward the One Man, the Final Priest, the Savior King (Psalm 110).

We all, from time to time, grow weary of the struggle between fighting the desires of the flesh and the temptations of the enemy. We wish the Lord would get here quickly and long for it all to be over (Revelation 21:1 and Revelation 22:20).

This is why it is vitally important that we gather together on a regular basis and encourage one another in our faith (Hebrews 10:23-25 and Proverbs 27:17), So we can run this race together and endure until the end.


Monday, July 8, 2024

What - Me Worry?

1 Peter 5:6-7

The Apostle Peter tells us that we should cast our anxieties or cares on God. This is prefaced by an admonition to humble ourselves. I think Peter tells us this because it is difficult, if not impossible, to trust anyone else with anything if our pride is telling us we don't need help. It takes humility to admit that you can't do something alone.

I like Peter's wording in this passage (1 Peter 5:6), "the mighty hand of God...". God is indeed strong. His power raises the dead (John 11:1-44). His strength has no upper limit and His authority is absolute (John 1:1-5 and Colossians 1:15-18). So Peter tells us to "cast" our anxieties on Him. All of us throwing or casting all of our worries on Him would require a lot of strength to hold all of that. Not only can He hold all that, but He can crush them in one mighty hand!

Our God loves us because He is our Father and we are His children. We know that we can trust in Him (Psalm 28:7). Those of us in Christ Jesus have no reason to fear anything (Psalm 46:1-3)!

Our worry and anxiety will only build and we lose sleep and our mind and spirit are weakened by it. When we let go of it and trust in the Lord, new strength is found in Him (Isaiah 40:28-31).


Friday, June 28, 2024

How Long

2 Peter 3:8-9

In our modern culture, we have become accustomed to instant gratification. If we have to wait more than a half hour for food or more than two days for a mail order, we get upset. Modern times have taught us to be very impatient. But God's word tells us to be patient. Slow to speak, slow to anger and to wait upon the Lord (James 1:19-20 Isaiah 40:28-31 and Psalm 27:14).

Peter tells us that God is not slow to fulfill His promises. We see it as very long periods of time, but God is eternal. Time means absolutely nothing to Him. In one of his psalms, King David asked God how long he would have to wait (Psalm 13:1-2) and even the saints in Heaven who had been murdered asked how long they would have to wait for the Lord's retribution against their murderers (Revelation 6:9-10).

God promised Abraham and Isaac and Jacob a land for their people. From the time of that promise to the time Israel took possession of the land was about 480 years. From the time the coming of the Messiah was foretold (Genesis 3:15) to the birth of Christ Jesus was 3,974 years. From the time Joseph was sold into slavery to the time he was made Prime Minister of Egypt was 13 years. From the time Christ was taken up (Acts 1:9-12) to present is between 1,962 years and 1,954 years. We, and when I say "we" I mean the collective we who have trusted in our wise Father since the beginning, have done a lot of waiting.

Jesus gave us His Holy Spirit to strengthen us, to pray for us when we don't know how and to help us continue to wait in faith and in hope.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Dragonflies and the Mind of God

Isaiah 55:1-13

I love to watch dragonflies. They are such amazing creatures. When I observe how they are able to maneuver, darting here and there, going full steam ahead and then coming to a dead stop without slowing down first, I marvel at God's ingenuity.

God created so many fascinating creatures (Genesis 1:20-25) that came straight from His beautiful imagination.

We can never know the mind of God. Our intellects are not equipped for the depths of God's understanding (Romans 11:33-34 and 1 Corinthians 2:14-16).

The things the bible tells us about God don't even scratch the surface of who He is. But the Spirit of God, as we mature in our faith, will take us deeper in our understanding of the things of God (1 Corinthians 2:6-12). As we learn more, as the Holy Spirit continues to pull back the curtain, the more we understand how much we don't know (Job 39-40:1-4).

The more we discover through the sciences that study the physical and natural world, and the vastness of space, the more we can see how beautiful the mind of God is. How much deeper and how absolute His understanding is. Our God is enternal. He has never had to learn anything, it is impossible to give Him new information (Isaiah 40:13-14).

In Christ Jesus, we have been given the gift of eternal life, and one day, when we get our new bodies and our minds are free from all sin and are living in the New Jerusalem, we will be given a full understanding of who God is and the enormity of what He as done, and we will worship Him forever and never stop being amazed.


Friday, June 21, 2024

The Filter

1 Peter 4:12-19

Have you noticed that all the movies and television shows portray Christians as mean and hateful idiots and racists? It seems to be ramping up in our modern society. Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and even Satanists are treated so respectfully by society in our country. But Christians are treated as some sort of dangerous fanatics. And a lot of us act surprised by this.

Jesus said that this would happen (John 15:18-25). Both Peter and John told us too (1 John 3:13-18 and 1 Peter 4:12-19). It should not be a surprise at all.

The bible is filled with a history of followers of Christ Jesus being hated and persecuted. The Prophets of God were almost never welcome when they were sent to give God's message. In 1 Kings 18, Jezebel was rounding up prophets and killing them. All throughout history, Christians have been killed or made to suffer. In many countries, it is illegal to be a Christian.

In Isaiah 53, the suffering of Christ was foretold. When followers of Christ Jesus share in His suffering, we should be encouraged (Matthew 5:10 and Revelation 2:10).

Suffering is the great filter that God uses to purify our faith and bring us into a deeper understanding of who He is.


Friday, June 14, 2024

Total Depravity

Psalm 14:1-3

One of the tenants of Calvinism is the total depravity of man. Left on our own, people will not seek God (Psalm 14:1-3 and Romans 3:10-11). And, just to get it out there, yes, I am a Calvinist. I believe the bible teaches what John Calvin, Martin Luther and other great theologians taught, which is God initiates contact, not us. Jesus Himself said it (John 6:44 and Matthew 11:25-27).

Some people are tripped up by the term "total depravity". When we think of depravity, we think of pornography, human trafficking, serial killers, etc. All sorts of horrible images come to mind. But that is thinking using our own understanding. God is a holy God (Revelation 4:8-11). His standard is holiness, period. The only thing in us that could possibly live up to His standard is complete obedience, even in our innermost thoughts. None of us is capable of that, so we all fall short (Romans 3:23).

Let's examine God's holiness and how seriously He takes it.

In the book of Leviticus God tells Moses all the standards, procedures and specifications for Aaron and his sons to follow in all the duties of the priesthood. They were not to deviate in any way from any of this. In Leviticus 10:1-3, Aaron's sons deviated from the standard, and they paid the price. God told Moses that He was to be regarded as holy to anyone who comes near Him.

In Exodus 25:12-15, God gave very specific instructions for transporting the ark, and in Numbers 4:15, God designated the sons of Kohath as the ones to carry the ark. And that the ark, among other holy objects, was not to be touched "lest they die".

In 2 Samuel 6:1-7, Israel went to bring the ark back to Jerusalem. They put the ark on a cart pulled by oxen. The oxen stumbled, the ark was jostled and Uzzah reached up, almost reflexively to steady the ark. He touched it and the bible says God struck him. Uzzah died. It doesn't seem fair.  Even David became angry about it (2 Samuel 6:8). But God stated very clearly that the ark was not to be touched and what would happen to anyone who touched it. God will not compromise His holiness.

Let's take a look at ourselves in comparison. We are sinful. Our righteousness compared to His is woefully lacking (Isaiah 64:6-7). Anyone who encounters a holy God shrinks back in shame and fear (Isaiah 6:3-5 and Luke 5:8). We know that, in the presence of His holiness and absolute righteousness, we, in juxtaposition, are totally depraved.

Thanks and praise to our great God for the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We have been made alive in Him (Ephesians 2:1-6).


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Old vs New

Genesis 12:1-3

Our preacher at church was telling us how a lot of people believe the Old Testament and the New Testament are not related, and how the Old Testament should be disregarded by Christians since we are in the New Covenant. This is false teaching of the most insidious kind. The Old and New Testaments are inextricably linked.

From the moment Abraham believed God, he was blessed (Genesis 15:1-6). He became the founder of our faith. Because Abraham believed God, we received our salvation in Christ Jesus (Matthew 1).

To bring His promise to Abraham to all of it's fullness, He extended His grace in Christ to the gentiles (Acts 10).

Christ Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham. He was faithful to keep His promise to His friend (James 2:23) and has now given everything to His Son, our savior and our great King Jesus the Christ who has the authority to reveal His grace to whom He wishes (Matthew 11:27-30).


Monday, May 20, 2024

The Name

Jeremiah 17:9-10

We have all heard the phrase "follow your heart". Well, that's a terrible idea. You cannot trust your heart, your heart will only lead you to ruin. This is why the fruits of the spirit include patients and self control (Galatians 5:22-23), because the works of the flesh, or heart, are deceitful and desperately wicked (Galatians 5:19-21).

As followers of Christ, we represent His Name. His Holy Name. The Name that the world profanes and uses as a curse word instead of saying it with reverence. The Name above all names, the Name above which there are none (Genesis 22:9-18; Hebrews 6:13). We cannot do justice to His Name on our own, because of the sin nature we inherited from the fall. So God Most High, in His mercy and for His Name's sake, did it for us (Ezekiel 36:16-27).

It is not only for the Gospel that we are careful with His Name, it is for the church (Galatians 5:24-26).

I get tired of hearing believers referring to God as if He were their buddy or calling Him "the big guy" or an assortment of other disrespectful terms (Galatians 6:7). He is deserving of all honor and reverence. He is the Lion of Judah, the Mighty God, the only one in the universe worthy to be worshipped.

So, when your heart is telling you one thing with your emotions, look to His word, and remember His Name, and tell your sinful, wicked, deceitful heart to take a hike.


Friday, May 17, 2024


John 16:32-33

As we go through life, we will experience bad things. Things that make us wonder and even ask why. Things that could even shake our faith. Natural disasters, illness, death of loved ones, tragic accidents or the cruelty of another person. We don't know why.

We can find a few clues in the bible.

1. God's confidence that your faith is strong and your trust in Him is absolute (Job 1:1-5).

2. It's really got nothing to do with you. It's to teach someone else something (John 9:1-3).

3. Because God is a holy and just God (Luke 15:1-5).

Whatever the case, it is proof that God is working in you. Bringing you into a more intimate relationship with Himself (James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 1:6-7).

I have been to war. The men with whom I had the privilege of serving are some of the people I know better than anyone on the planet. Some situations reveal who people really are, and seeing that is very intimate. We can be courageous and strong, but at the same time, extremely fragile. The Apostle Paul likened us to jars of clay (2 Corinthians 4:7-18).

Life is hard. There are a lot of things that make it harder still for some of us. But if we keep our focus on our faith and trust in the Lord, even when we don't understand, He will give us peace and restore us (1 Peter 5:10).


Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Return

Revelation 21:1-5

Before the fall, Adam enjoyed a close Father/Son relationship with God. God would walk in the garden in the cool of the day. The bible doesn't give us much about the interactions of Adam and God, but we can safely assume that He and Adam walked and talked in the garden at times. Until the fall (Genesis 3:1-8). Then everything changed. Sin entered the world with a resounding boom and destroyed everything. God and mankind were seperated and death reigned.

God had a plan to resolve the problem. He chose people through history to reveal this plan to, although they didn't always understand (Genesis 28:12; Isaiah 53; Psalm 22 and 1 Peter 1:10-12).

Then, in the "fullness of time", the most significant event in the history of all creation (Luke 2:1-32), God's promise to Abraham was here. The beginning of the restoration of the relationship between God and man (Matthew 11:27). Christ Jesus went on to fulfill the prophets and the law, He would suffer at the hands of the "religious" people and the cruel Roman whips and the cross. He defeated death and overcame sin (John 16:33). He closed the gap and bridged the chasm between man and God. He took away our sin and made us just, those of us who believe (John 1:1-5; John 1:29-34; Colossians 3:1-4).

We will once again be walking with our Father in the cool of the day because of our great Savior (Jude 1:24).


Saturday, May 11, 2024


Revelation 4:1-11

I have talked to people who have been lead astray by the "name it and claim it" and "health and wealth" gospel. They site scriptures like Psalms 37:1-4 and Matthew 7:7-11 that talk about being given the desires of your heart and getting whatever you ask. These scriptures are taught completlely out of context. When studying God's word, context is very important. It doesn't hurt to study what the culture was like at the time and what was happening politically in that time. For example, Psalms 37:1-4 starts with not worrying about the evildoers. We can see over in Psalms 73, Asaph said his feet almost slipped because evildoers were prospering. But God showed him what was coming to them. In Psalms 37 King David understood they wouldn't prosper for long.

Anyway, I always think that the name it and claim it people are arrogant. Like they are somehow deserving of riches and luxury. If the Apostles were poor and suffered (Acts 5:12-40 and 2 Corinthians 11:16-28), and even Christ Himself suffered and did not demand the honor He was due (Philippians 2:5-8) why would they believe themselves to be worthy of just the opposite?

Even the Elders on the 24 thrones in Heaven did not consider themselvew worthy of their crowns. They threw them to the feet of the only One who is worthy.

We are all, every one of us humans, wholly unworthy of God's favor in any way. It is only in Christ Jesus that we find favor with God (Ephesians 2:8-9) and it is by Christ alone that we are able to stand in the presence of God's glory (Jude 1:24).


Thursday, May 9, 2024


Psalms 8

On my way to work this morning, I witnessed one of the most beautiful sunrises from The Great Artist. The clouds were thinly brushed across the sky, the sun had risen above the horizon, and behind the filter of the clouds, the sun was a beautiful shade of orange and lavender. It took my breath away. No description will do it justice.

The spectacle of breathtaking beauty caused me to begin gushing praises to our great and glorious God (Psalm 19:1).

As I watched the sun and sky go through this kaleidoscope of colors, my mind began to wonder at the absolute genius of The Ancient of Days, how all of the laws of pysics and astrophysics came from His mind. It is not that He simply understands the science behind it, He created the science (Genesis 1:1-27).

God's understanding goes deeper than any man can fathom (Job 38-40:5). He is altogether different from us. His thoughts are radically higher than ours (Psalm 139 and Isaiah 55:1-9).

We sometimes think that God created this beautiful universe for us to marvel at His genius. That is not the case. It was all done for His Majesty, Christ Jesus. It was done for Him and through Him (John 1:1-2 and Colossians 1:15-17).

The tragic events that took place in the garden, which seperated us from our Father and caused the spirits of men to die (Ephesians 2:1-3), had a depth of evil and enormity of significance that we will never fully understand. We developed a sinful nature that we all fully gave ourselves over to. Sin ruled over us like a cruel master (Genesis 4:7), keeping us from the love of the Living and awesome God who created us.

But God, in His infinate wisdom and great understanding, made a way for us to break free from our bondage and be truly free (John 8:36).

The Lord Jesus came and shed His majesty (Philippians 2:5-7) and lived a human life, humble and gentle. He suffered for our sin under the cruel Roman scurging and upon a Roman cross, He was murdered (Isaiah 53). For His Name's sake (Ezekiel 36:22-27) and because of His great love for His lost children, He died. Three days later, He rose from the dead never to die again.

He gathered His lost children to Himself (Matthew 11:27) and healed their broken hearts (Isaiah 61:1-5).

In this, God's beauty is revealed. The wonder of our salvation in Christ Jesus (1 Peter 1:10-12) allows us to truly see the beauty in His creation (Job 42:5).


Monday, April 29, 2024

Real Genuine Peace

John 14:27

There are lots of reasons in everyone's life to be stressed or afraid. The reasons for stress and anxiety or fear can vary, but are usually pretty universal. Job stress, lack of a job, money, children, the inability to have children, weather events such as tornadoes, earthquakes, mud slides, floods, hurricanes, violent crime, identity theft, the threat of war, civil unrest, medical issues...the list goes on.

Even followers of Jesus get stressed and fearful. Life is not easy for anyone. Every last person on this planet has something they are dealing with. Rich, poor, middle class, fill in the blank race, it doesn't matter. When it rains, everybody gets wet (Matthew 5:43-45 and John 16:32-33).

If we, as believers in and followers of Christ Jesus, could just take a step back, take a breath and open our bibles, we will see that there is no reason to be afraid. Jesus tells us many times that we should not be afraid. He has our lives hidden with Himself in God (Colossians 3:3).

I would challenge everyone who is a believer to read through the bible and try to count how many times we are told not to be afraid. The references are too many to list here.

Jesus promises us a peace that is beyond understanding (Philippians 4:4-7). In The Revelation, John gives the most encouraging news of all when he reports all that he has witnessed. In Revelation 1:1-6, emphasis on verses 4 and 5, we are told that grace and peace are imparted to us by our Triune God.

We are the children of the Most High. We are heirs of God (Romans 8:16-17 - I recommend starting from verse 1 for context). We have no reason to be afraid of anything. We have been given life eternal in Christ Jesus. We have been given the right to be called children of God(John 1:1-13) and have even been invited to call our God 'Abba' (Daddy)(Romans 8:15).

Praise to our great God in Christ Jesus that we can go through anything with peace and joy in our hearts because an eternity with Him is the inheritance we are coming into.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Proverbs 31:10-12

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with a progressive kidney disease called Chronic Kidney Disease. One of those illnesses that gets progressively worse no matter what you do. The Nephrologist said that dialysis was an inevitablility.

Around Thanksgiving of 2020, my wife and I got COVID. I ended up with COVID pneumonia and spent two weeks in the hospital, 4 days of which I was in ICU. The COVID did further damage to my kidneys.

In late 2021, fluid began to build up in my ankles. It quickly went up my legs and to my chest. It got around my lungs and was crushing them. I could not breathe. The Pulmonoligist sent me to the ER and admitted me to the hospital where they were able to drain fifty pounds of fluid off of me. I ended up on peritoneal dialysis.

A few months after starting dialysis, I went blind in my right eye. My eye doctor sent me to a retinal specialist, who in turn sent me for a biopsy of my temporal artery to test for Giant Cell Arteritis. After the biopsy, I threw a blood clot and had a TIA (basically a stroke).

Then, my dialysis wasn't working like it was supposed to work and I began to lose the use of my legs. I ended up using a walker, nearly in need of a wheelchair. My Nephroligist started me on hemodialysis

I ended up in the hospital almost every week for a while with fluid in my lungs because my kidneys did't work anymore. My Nephrologist adjusted my dialysis prescription and the fluid build up stopped. I started getting stronger and no longer needed a walker or cane and could stand up by myself.

I am still very weak and my poor wife has to do literally everything.

My point in all this is to say that I hit the jackpot when I married my wife. She is what I call a Proverbs wife.

She does everything and never complains or gets short with me for not being able to help. Words are too clumsy to say how thankful I am to her and how much I love her.

Through all of what we have been through, we both determined to trust God no matter what (1 Peter 1:6-7). Cheryl's sense of humor has remained intact. She promised that she would not be like Job's wife (Job 2:8-9).

God sent her to me because He saw all of this coming and decided to bless me with Cheryl (Proverbs 12:4, Proverbs 18:22 and Proverbs 31:10-12). She is all those things and more.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Matthew 11:27-30

Jesus taught that the Christian life is not easy. He used a path as a metaphore for the life of His followers. He said that the path to destruction was easy because it is wide, but the path to life is hard because it is narrow (Matthew 7:13-14)

Some may look down that narrow path and think to themselves that the path is too hard, the terrain is too rough and seemingly up hill most of the way. But for those who are in Christ, this is not so. True, it is not easy, but we have a lot of help (John 16:33).

Jesus promised that if we come to Him, He will give us rest. He will put His yoke on us and gently guide us on our way(Matthew 11:27-30). Some of us make it hard on ourselves, though. We sometimes pull that yoke off and try to do it ourselves rather than trusting in Christ Jesus to guide our lives. Then, because He loves us, He uses the oxgoad to get us back on the path and, being stubborn, we kick against it (Acts 26:12-14) thinking we know better (Proverbs 14:12-16).

Our wise Father will not let us stray from the path for very long. He will bring us back again and again (Hosea 1-2).

When we repent and put our focus on Christ, we find that the narrow way becomes a little easier because we are abiding in Christ, He is carrying us (John 16:33 Colossians 3:1-3). The path has disappeared. Christ Jesus has taken it's place, He is the Way (John 14:1-7).


Friday, April 12, 2024

Heart Condition

Proverbs 27:19

We don't know what lurks deep in the heart of a man. All we know is that whatever is in there is not good (Jeremiah 17:9-10).

When someone talks, when they are with their closest friends or family and feel free to speak honestly, what is in their heart will sooner or later come out of their mouth (Luke 6:45). And since we are a fallen people with a sin nature, we can't help ourselves. We will gossip and viciously put someone's character in a blender.

We love to think of ourselves as good people. We are wrong (Mark 10:17-18 and Romans 3:1-12). We try to be good on our own and will fail miserably.

But, for His Name's sake, our Great God made a way. He gave us His Son and we have been given to His Son (John 6:37-40). He gave us a new heart and renewed our minds and gave us His Spirit (Ezekiel 36:22-27). It is only in Christ Jesus that we find goodness.


Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Gospel

Luke 24:13-35

Jesus had been killed on a Roman cross three days ago. Cleopas and his friend, both followers of Jesus, were dejected. They were walking the seven mile road to Emmaus and discussing the events that had just taken place. Jesus Himself came along side them and joined the conversation. He asked about what they had been saying. Cleopas and his friend, who had been prevented from recognising Jesus, were surprised that there was anyone who hadn't heard about what happened in Jerusalem three days ago. It was quite the spectacle.

Jesus said they were foolish. Then He proceeded to school them on what had really happened there in Jerusalem. He started with Moses and worked His way through all the prophets.

He likely started in Genesis 3:14-15 in the Garden, then to Abram in Genesis 12:1-3. Then to Deuteronomy 18:15-18 and Job 9:1-35 with emphasis on v. 33-35, and Job 19:25-27. Psalm 22 where He is actually quoted thousands of years before His birth. Isaiah 7:1-14 and Isaiah 9:6-7. Hosea 11:1 and Micah 5:2 and so many more prophecies by so many prophets in so many other books.

When the three men got where they were going, Cleopas and his friend invited the wise stranger, urged Him, really, to stay with them. The stranger agreed to stay with them. They sat down to share a meal and Jesus broke bread and opened their eyes, then He vanished (Luke 24:13-35).

They hurried back to Jerusalem and found the other disciples and confirmed to them that Jesus had indeed risen from the dead.

This is the gospel. Jesus was born of a virgin. He was killed on a cross. He rose on the third day. From the very beginning (Micah 5:2), the law and the prophets and the Psalms pointed to Christ Jesus (Luke 24:44).


Monday, April 1, 2024

The Guilt Offering

Isaiah 53:1-10

It is early in the morning. There is a bit of a chill in the air. The priest is adding wood to the fire at the alter when a man walks up to the tent and calls out in desperation to the priest. He has lead his ram all the way to the tent. He humbly hands the lead over to the priest, his hands trembling in fear.

His offering, after realizing his guilt. The priest takes the guilt offering and performs his prescribed duty (Leviticus 6:1-7; Leviticus 7:1-7)

The priests had to perform these sacrificial offerings multiple times, until the Sacrifice of the final High Priest, who offered Himself (Isaiah 53:10; Romans 6:10; Hebrews 10:8-18)

Jesus was the sacrifical lamb, lead to slaughter by the guilty men. He was betrayed by a close friend, suffered many things (Luke 22:31-71) and then was killed upon a cross (Luke 23:1-46). God fully accepted this guilt offering. We know He did because Jesus was raised from the dead (Luke 24:1-51; Colossians 1:13-20).

After His resurrection, He went to Simon Peter (Cephus) and had a conversation that took away Peter's guilt (Luke 22:54-62; 1 Corinthians 15:1-5).

We have been set free from our sin in the risen Christ. We can stand before the All Mighty Living and Holy God, blameless in Christ Jesus (Jude 1:24).


Thursday, March 21, 2024


Genesis 1:1-11

In God's beautiful creation, in His infinite wisdom, He hid things. He hid them, knowing they would be found by the ones He gifted with higher minds. God created some with intelligence that runs circles around our average minds. These are the ones who found the hidden things in God's creation. They found penicillin, vaccines for all manner of diseases, clean nuclear power, x-rays, electricity, super computers that fit in the palm of our hands. They found ways to peer deep into the heavens (Isaiah 40:26), then ways to explore the heavens with manned and unmanned spacecraft (Psalm 19:1).

It's amazing that God gave some people higher functioning minds to benefit all of us. God's creation has built in solutions to most of our problems (Genesis 1:1-11 and Genesis 1:20-25).

From the ones who studied nature very closely. They observed birds flying and discovered concepts like lift and air/wind displacement and velocity. They discovered in their observations of pressure and the explosive nature of certain gasses and liquids, we now have internal combustion engines.

God has shown those with understanding of what they have been observing more of Himself and the wonders of His creation (Romans 1:18-20).

The things I have seen in God's creation are mind blowing. Dragon flies. Humming birds. Creatures in the oceans with the ability to change colors at will and can feel the presence of other creatures just by changes of pressure in the water. Creatures on land and sea with bioluminescence (they can make light). Microscopic creatures that can make water appear to be glowing, fireflies, all manner of creatures in the oceans (Genesis 1:20-25).

The more that these higher functioning minds discover, the more we stand in awe of our Great God and of His absolute genius. The Earth's greatest minds who have discovered all the laws of physics, still have not figured out how gravity works. God Most High designed and created gravity. His understanding of physics and motion is absolute. And in His creation, we find more evidence of His love for us, in the medicines and in the fruits and vegetables that His Earth brings forth from a tiny seed. We see His love in what comes out of the oceans and rivers and lakes.


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

As Far As the East Is From the West

Psalm 103

We have all done something in our lifetime of which we are ashamed. Shame can be a heavy burden to bear. The bible gives us several examples of this. Scripture also gives us examples of how merciful God is in relieving us of that burden.

I would like to look at three of these examples. King David, the Apostle Peter and the Apostle Paul.

King David

2 Samuel 11-12:15 King David did something that I'm not sure he was ever able to move past. Something for which God pronounced a pretty severe judgement against David (2 Samuel 12:9-15). But in doing so, He forgave David of this grievous act (2 Samuel 12:13 and 1 John 1:9).

The king was so grieved by his own sin that he wrote out his guilt in a beautiful Psalm (Psalm 51). Sometimes, beauty can come from the ash heap of our guilt and shame, when we have a truly contrite heart (Isaiah 61:1-3).

Simon Peter

In John 13, Jesus is talking rather cryptically about his trial and subsequent crucifixion and Peter boldy proclaims that he would lay down his life for Jesus (John 13:36-38). But when the time came, Peter promptly denied that he even knew Jesus (Mark 14:66-71). And after hearing the rooster crow for the second time, Peter, wracked with guilt, broke down (Mark 14:72).

I'm not sure that would be something that most men could move past. But Christ Jesus in His wisdom and mercy, removed the guilt from Peter (Mark 16:1-7 and 1 Corinthians 15:3-5). We don't know what was said in the conversation between Jesus and Peter, but it lifted the weight of the world from Peter. Jesus once again appeared to His disciples by the sea (John 21:1-19) and once again, spoke only to Simon Peter.

Peter was able to move past the guilt and shame to become one of greatest preachers of the gospel in history.

The Apostle Paul

We are introduced to a man named Saul in the book of Acts, at the stoning of Stephen (Acts 7:54-58). Saul of Tarsus was bent on stamping out this movement The Way (Acts 8:1-3 and Acts 9:1-2). But, again, in His wisdom Christ Jesus turned a staunch enemy into a staunch ally. He converted Saul on the spot (Acts 9:3-9). Saul had been struck blind by his encounter with Christ on the road. Jesus arranged for a disciple to go to Saul and heal him (Acts 9:10-19). After gathering his strength Saul immediatlely began to preach the gospel of Christ Jesus.

King Jesus would eventually change Saul's name to Paul. Paul continued to preach and would occasionally recount his experience on the road to Damascus and his persecution of the church (Acts 22:6-21, Acts 26:12-18, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 and Philippians 3:1-11).

Paul spoke of a "thorn in his flesh" (2 Corinthians 12:7-9). Some say it may be referring to the guilt he has over persecuting the church. We can only guess what it may have been. In any case, Paul moved past that guilt in the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and preached the gospel to the world.


Thursday, March 7, 2024

Wrath and Mercy

Romans 9:1-15

I love reading about what God did all through the bible. When I take a step back and look at the big picture, I see a pattern emerge. God's wrath and His mercy again and again.

In Genesis, God has decided to judge Sodom and Gamorrah. Abraham tried to negotiate with God to spare the cities (Genesis 18:20-33). It did not work. The negotiations failed because not even 10 men could be found who were not absolutely corrupt. God poured out His judgement against the two cities and they were completely destroyed. But God remembered Abraham and had mercy on Lot, Abraham's nephew, and his family (Genesis 19:27-29).

In Exodus, the people of Isreal got Aaron to make them an idol to worship. God knew what they were doing and was going to pour His wrath out on them (Genesis 32:7-10), but Moses interceded for them and God showed mercy (Genesis 32:11-14).

Once again, the people of Israel did not trust God and used their own judgement in their own understanding. And once again, God was going to judge them for it. And yet again, Moses interceded for them (Numbers 14:6-12).

Then in Numbers 16, a guy named Korah tried to turn Israel against Moses and God. I kind of thought it was funny how God told Moses, "Tell everyone to move away from Korah." As far as I'm concerned Korah was the king of bad ideas. It did not end well for him.

Fast forward to the birth of Christ Jesus. The most significant event in human history. The salvation of God prepared for us all (Luke 2:25-32). The pattern continued. In Christ Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3).

In Christ, we have the ultimate mercy, forgiveness and eternal life, eternally secure (Colossians 3:1-3).

Also holding to the pattern, there are those who will refuse to believe and continue in their sin, and God will, in the end, pour out His wrath. It will be like nothing anyone has ever seen.

Those of us who have been redeemed, the elect, will be spared from that wrath (Romans 9:1-18).

So, in conclusion, all of the times God was going to judge, there was someone there to intercede on behalf of the people. All of this pointed directly to Christ Jesus, the final High Priest, the final sacrifice. Our intercessor forever.


Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Job 13:15

Trust can be a hard thing to come by in our modern world. I've heard from a young age the old saying, "trust is earned, not given." I believe God has more than earned our trust, not that He has to earn anything. He is the Most High, the creator of everything, the Source of all life.

Concerning the matter of trust, I can really only speak for myself. I have been through a lot these past few years, and I have stubbornly dug my heels in and put my full trust in Christ Jesus and my wise and loving Father God. I have recently experienced some anxiety with some of the things that have been happening. I do not see the anxiety as evidence of a lack of trust, rather, evidence that I am human. God knows we are weak and we all have our breaking points (Psalm 103:13-14).

My wife and I have gone through so much in the past few years that we have started asking "what next?". When I think of all we have been through, looking through the eyes of a believer in and follower of Jesus Christ, I see three possibilities for why we have been experiencing these trials:

1. It has nothing to do with me at all. It may be for someone else to learn something (John 9:1-3).

2. It may be for a purification or strengthening of our faith (1 Peter 1:3-7).

3. (And this is my favorite possibility) To take us deeper into our relationship with Him in revealing Himself more fully to us (Job 42:5).

I have come to be thankful for things I don't understand, because when we come out on the other side, we see a little more clearly and have a little more understanding in who our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, wise and loving Father is and a deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. There are not words sufficient to say how wonderful God is. I guess if I could choose the words, they would be "Thank you."


Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Romans 8:12-17

In the old testament, forgiveness depended on the sacrifices the priests would offer for themselves, their families and Isreal (Leviticus 16).

Only the priest was allowed in the temple while the offereings were being made. No one else could be in the tent(Leviticus 16:17). If God accepted the sacrifices, then priest would live and the people would be forgiven until the next year. But that is not us today. Everything the priest did in the tent pointed directly to Christ Jesus. He is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets. Jesus became our scapegoat (Leviticus 16:20-22). He has given us the right to be children of God(John 1:9-12). As His adopted children, God invites us to call Him by the familiar name Abba (Romans 8:12-17). Abba is a very familiar name, an intimate name between a father and his chilren: Daddy.

Jesus is our High Priest. We are now able to come boldy to the throne of the Father. We may come to Him with our needs and our worries because He is our wise and loving Father. Boldy, not disrespectfully. Boldy but reverently. He is our Father and our God. He is Holy, the Most High. Not the big guy, not the man upstairs, not your buddy.

So, as His children, we represent Him in this world. We ought to behave in a way that reflects who we are in Christ. Live a life of gratitude to our saviour who has shielded us from the wrath of a Holy God. He has made us clean and gives us the ability to stand in the presence of the glory of God with no wrong in us and He has given us great joy (Jude 24).


Sunday, February 4, 2024

It's Personal

One of the most amazing things about God, to me, is how in Christ, He has millions of followers and He has a personal one on one relationship with all of us.

How is this possible?

With God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).

In I Peter 1:3-7, Peter talks about our inheritance in Christ. Verse 6 he says that some are grieved, if necesary, by various trials. I fixated on if nesessary. How would He know when or if it were necessary unless He knows us on a deeply personal level. And through the trials He brings us, leads us into a deeper understanding of who He is.

We develop a deeply personal relationship with our God in Christ Jesus.

I have, and still am, learning to rejoice in my trials and sufferings. I have learned that instead of saying "What's next", to say "Thank you, please take me deeper in my understanding." The trials and suffering are a gift. In them we grow in our understanding of who God is, we love Him more. We see more clearly how our lives are hidden in Him with Christ, and discern how safe and secure we are in Christ, how we are sealed by His Holy Spirit for all of eternity (Colossians 3:3 and Ephesians 1:13-14).


Saturday, January 20, 2024

In Christ We Stand

We all have that one sin that we can't seem to shake. That besetting sin that we try to resist in the ongoing battle between the flesh and the spirit (Galatians 5:16-25). Speaking for myself, I struggle with that one sin. It hinders my walk with Christ Jesus, it is the thing that causes me to stumble over and over again (Proverbs 26:11).

I feel so unworthy that I stop talking to God, I don't ask for forgiveness for a while because it just kind of feels like I don't deserve it, which I really don't. But, God's Holy Spirit gently reminds me that I am forgiven already. I have been covered in the blood of the Lamb of God, He has saved me (Romans 8:1).

I am still learning how to be a follower of Christ Jesus. I must learn to let go of that sin (Hebrews 12:1) and keep my eyes, mind and focus on Christ. I read Psalm 51 recently. A Psalm of King David after he had Uriah the Hittite killed and was confronted by Nathan the prophet (2 Samuel 12:1-15). Psalm 51:1-12 has become my prayer. I read that and then prayed it. I have been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb, God has removed my sin from me as far as east is from the west (Psalms 103:11-12). We, as followers and students of Christ Jesus and in order to bear the fruits of the spirit, need to make a conscious effort to resist the flesh (2 Peter 1:3-9) because Jesus and the Holy Spirit have given us the tools and the power to live in the spirit (Romans 8:1-11).

Christ Jesus, our High Priest, who intercedes for us is all we have and all we need (Psalm 73:25-26) in Heaven. But here on Earth, He, in His genius and great wisdom, institued the church, where we gather to strengthen one another, encourage one another and bear one another's burdens (Proverbs 27:17; Hebrews 10:23-25; Galatians 6:2).

One of my favorite verses in scripture is from the book of Jude. It is Jude's closing thought in his letter. Jude 1:24. I like to remind myself of it every time I am feeling so unworthy. God is strong and is able to keep you from falling and can bring you into the presence of His Glory with no wrong in you, and give you great joy. As undeserving and unworthy as we all are (Romans 3:21-25) it is in Christ we stand.