Monday, April 27, 2015

Gravity (A Heavy Lesson)

James 2:8-10

Science is a wonderful tool for further understanding who God is. Our ability to study the creatures and the elements in our world and observe the universe has taken giant leaps and bounds in recent years. For those of us who are believers, these advances have left us even more in awe of our God and what He has done. (Colossians 1:15-17).

Many great men have studied our world with an understanding that is astounding. Sir Isaac Newton studied gravity and motion. I don't know that science has gotten a firm grip on exactly how gravity works yet, but a lot has been learned about gravity.

Galileo asserted that objects, regardless of mass, would fall at the same rate. The only problem in proving his assertion was the atmosphere. His famous hammer and feather experiment comes to mind. In 1971, astronaut David Scott was able to confirm Galileo's assertion. He dropped a hammer and a feather on the surface of the moon at the same time and they fell at the same rate because the moon has no atmosphere.

I believe God built in the curiosity that is in us, the thirst for knowledge, and the ability to learn and understand so that we could draw closer to Him and bask in His glory (Jude 1:24; Matthew 11:29).

The lesson I see in gravity, and what we understand of it is that no one of us is better than any other. We are all flawed, clumsy beasts groping in the darkness. (Romans 3:22-24; Psalm 73:21-22; Isaiah 59:9-10)

Without the light of Christ Jesus, we are like feathers without an atmosphere to make us float. We would continue to fall like hammers.