In Job 1, we get a peek behind the scenes. God and Satan have a conversation. Satan said that he had been walking all over the earth (Job 1:7). The Apostle Peter put a different spin (probably more accurate) on what Satan does when he's "walking around" (1 Peter 5:8).
God asks Satan a question. "Have you considered My servant Job...?" Of all the people on the planet, God singled out Job.
God can see into our hearts. He sees who we really are. The way God singled out Job made me think of another person who was singled out, because King Jesus could see into his heart as well. In Revelation 2:13. Jesus was dictating His letters to the churches, and in the letter to the church in Pergamum, He singled out Antipas. He called him "My faithful witness...". Because Jesus could see into his heart, just as clearly as God saw into Job's heart. Real love. Real faithfulness. He saw obedient hearts in these men. He saw a willingness to go as far as it took to please their Master. And these qualities were honored by The King. (1 Samuel 15:22).
So Satan, being the accuser, pointed his boney finger at Job. "Well, of course he is faithful to You. You made him rich. The guy lives on easy street. Take all that away from him and he'll curse Your Name." (Job 1:10-11)
Here is something that I don't think we should miss. The devil is the adversary. He is pure evil. God gave him permission to take all that Job had. He did. He took it all. But here is the part that helps us to see who we're dealing with. Why we should cling even closer to our Savior and King. He killed Job's children.
When Job got the news of his children, he tore his robe and fell on the ground and worshiped God. (Job 1:20-21)
Wow. I know most of us ask ourselves if we would have it in us to respond like that. Because our Wise Father could see into Job's heart, He knew Job would never curse Him. Job loved Him.
God can see in all of our hearts. He knows what is in there, even the stuff we don't let anyone else see.
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