Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The Hope We Have

There are so many situations that, for those experiencing them, seem absolutely hopeless.

But for those of us who believe, there is hope. No matter how bad it gets, our hope is in Christ Jesus. We can say, as Job said, "I know my Redeemer lives." (Job 19:25-27)

One of the many encounters the bible tells us about is found in the book of The Gospel According to Mark. Mark (Mark 5:1-20) tells us about an unusual exchange between Jesus and a demon possessed man. They had just crossed a lake, and when they came ashore, the demon possessed man, who had been quite a problem for the people who lived there, came running up and fell at the feet of Jesus.

In my mind's eye, I imagine how this happened. The man, moving among the tombs, terrorizing anyone who happened by, was suddenly gripped in fear. A panic rose in the evil that inhabitted the poor man. A fear for their very existence. They sensed an unspeakable power approaching. The same power that brought an entire universe into being simply by willing it, the same power that overwhelmed them and hurled them to Earth so long ago. The One whose Name sent shivers of terror through all of their kind. All they could think to do was to fall down at His feet and beg Him for mercy.

Jesus ordered them out, and they had no choice but to obey. This is the very same Jesus in Whom we hope.

No matter how bad it gets, no matter what is happening to us or our loved ones, though it may be hard to see from the midst of it, Jesus holds out hope. He will NEVER leave us or forsake us. Let not your heart be troubled. Our Redeemer lives!