Monday, February 17, 2025

A Prayer For The Lost

Ezekiel 37:1-14

I am not a very well read person. I am a slow reader and have always had a reading comprehension problem. I get frustrated with it, so I don't read much. I decided if I read more, it will help. So I bought a book about Puritan prayers. The title is Into His Presence by Tim Chester.

There are prayers under different headings. One of the headings is Prayers For The Lost. In one of these prayers, Joseph Alleine refers to the lost as "a valley of dry bones". That got the wheels in my little head turning.

It is astonishing...the absolute genius of God. Everything in His Word from Genesis to John the Baptist points directly to Christ Jesus.

The prophet Ezekiel had an odd experience. The Spirit of the Lord took him and set him in a valley filled with dry bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14). As I was reading about Ezekiel's experience, I was struck with one part, In verses 9 and 10, God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the four winds, so he did, and breath entered the bodies on the ground (Genesis 2:4-7 and John 20:19-22). They were dead. They had been dead for a really long time. They could not have decided they were alive , that they wanted to suddenly start to breathe. God made them alive (Ephesians 2:1-5 and Colossians 2:13), again pointing directly to Christ.

As believers in and followers of Christ Jesus, we have had the amazing experience of being made alive in Christ. It is now our responsibility to take the Gospel to the valley of dry bones (Romans 1:16-17).



Anonymous said...

Another great insight post

Anonymous said...

Amen! I’ve been very convicted of this very thing. Several weeks ago, Justin was preaching from Mark on the paralytic and the great links that his friends went to to bring him to Jesus. Oh that we would do the same for our friends; stop at nothing short of even cutting through a roof to have an encounter with the risen Lord.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A very great reminder of our responsibility to share the Gospel.