Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Solace in Thunder

John 12:28-29

There are a lot of storms this time of year. When there is a storm approaching or leaving, it is nice to sometimes sit outside and watch the lightning flash and listen to the thunder roll.

I can remember times when it thundered so loud that the house shook and windows rattled. We would be so startled. People would cry out in surprise and fear. Some would scream, others would just yell "Wow!" really loud.

The sound of thunder is a great reminder of how awesome our great God is.

In the bible, often times when God speaks, people compare His voice to thunder. In fact, in some cases, His voice was mistaken for thunder (John 12:29).

When I think about the fact that I have been adopted by God Almighty, and how I have been saved by the actions of the Lamb of God (John 1:29, John 1:36, Isaiah 53:5), I am thankful beyond words for the understanding that the Lion of Judah is worthy of worship (Revelation 5).

I know that no matter how bad it may get, I can still trust in my God (John 16:33).

I know that He is able to do the impossible.

I know He is bigger than any problem I could ever have...because His voice sounds like thunder!