I saw the coverage of the the space shuttle Discovery taking it's last ride on a jumbo jet. There was a picture of it in the New York skyline. It was something to see. That shuttle and it's crew have been where only a handful of people in all of history have ever been.
The exploration of space is far from over, though. We continue receive pictures from probes that have been sent into the farthest reaches of the universe. From the amazing Hubble telescope. We can see galaxies and planets that in the past, we could only imagine. Plans are being made for manned missions to other planets. We have rovers on Mars.
We are seeking. Groping in the darkness (Isaiah 59:10, John 1:1-11). Desperately trying to find answers to the questions: Why are we here? What is our origin?
The answer is right there. Plain as the nose on your face. (Romans 1:19-21, Acts 17:27).
Those of us who have trusted in Christ Jesus have the light. We have been taken out of the darkness. We no longer grope, we now see clearly. We have taken hold of the hope that Christ Jesus has held out to us. We have the answer.
It is now our mission to take that answer and share it with anyone who will listen. To hold out the same hope that drew us out of the darkness. To hold high the light of Truth (John 12:32).