Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cotraversial Thoughts

Just a list of things I think about life.

1. Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven.

2. Alcoholism, drug addiction and the multitude of 'disorders' are called 'diseases' to excuse unacceptable behavior.

3. Abortion is wrong. It is not 'your body'. It is a whole other human being who has rights.

4. God does exist. Nature screams it. The heaven's declare His glory.

5. I am not better than anyone else. Neither are you.

6. It is not hypocritical to be against abortion and for the death penalty. An unborn baby hasn't hurt anyone yet. A murderer has. An unborn baby hasn't violated anyone's rights. A murderer/rapist/child molester has.

7. Guns, in fact, do not kill people. They are inanimate objects.

8. A southern accent does not equal stupidity or racism.

9. The word 'homophobia' doesn't make any sense. A phobia is an irrational fear of something. A difference of ideology or world views is a disagreement. Disagreeing with something is not the same as being afraid of something. That would make liberals 'conservaphobes' and conservatives 'libephobes'. Non-Christians 'Christophobes' See how silly that is?

10. Global warming is not caused by man. It is a cyclical solar cycle. If it is true that there were ice ages before man existed, what in the world caused the warming process to bring the ice ages to an end?

11. Nobody cares what Madonna thinks.

12. Rocky Road is the greatest ice cream flavor on the planet.

13. Humans are omnivores. We were designed to eat veggies AND meat.

14. Evolution is still just a theory.

15. I think the chicken came first.