Thursday, March 21, 2024


Genesis 1:1-11

In God's beautiful creation, in His infinite wisdom, He hid things. He hid them, knowing they would be found by the ones He gifted with higher minds. God created some with intelligence that runs circles around our average minds. These are the ones who found the hidden things in God's creation. They found penicillin, vaccines for all manner of diseases, clean nuclear power, x-rays, electricity, super computers that fit in the palm of our hands. They found ways to peer deep into the heavens (Isaiah 40:26), then ways to explore the heavens with manned and unmanned spacecraft (Psalm 19:1).

It's amazing that God gave some people higher functioning minds to benefit all of us. God's creation has built in solutions to most of our problems (Genesis 1:1-11 and Genesis 1:20-25).

From the ones who studied nature very closely. They observed birds flying and discovered concepts like lift and air/wind displacement and velocity. They discovered in their observations of pressure and the explosive nature of certain gasses and liquids, we now have internal combustion engines.

God has shown those with understanding of what they have been observing more of Himself and the wonders of His creation (Romans 1:18-20).

The things I have seen in God's creation are mind blowing. Dragon flies. Humming birds. Creatures in the oceans with the ability to change colors at will and can feel the presence of other creatures just by changes of pressure in the water. Creatures on land and sea with bioluminescence (they can make light). Microscopic creatures that can make water appear to be glowing, fireflies, all manner of creatures in the oceans (Genesis 1:20-25).

The more that these higher functioning minds discover, the more we stand in awe of our Great God and of His absolute genius. The Earth's greatest minds who have discovered all the laws of physics, still have not figured out how gravity works. God Most High designed and created gravity. His understanding of physics and motion is absolute. And in His creation, we find more evidence of His love for us, in the medicines and in the fruits and vegetables that His Earth brings forth from a tiny seed. We see His love in what comes out of the oceans and rivers and lakes.


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

As Far As the East Is From the West

Psalm 103

We have all done something in our lifetime of which we are ashamed. Shame can be a heavy burden to bear. The bible gives us several examples of this. Scripture also gives us examples of how merciful God is in relieving us of that burden.

I would like to look at three of these examples. King David, the Apostle Peter and the Apostle Paul.

King David

2 Samuel 11-12:15 King David did something that I'm not sure he was ever able to move past. Something for which God pronounced a pretty severe judgement against David (2 Samuel 12:9-15). But in doing so, He forgave David of this grievous act (2 Samuel 12:13 and 1 John 1:9).

The king was so grieved by his own sin that he wrote out his guilt in a beautiful Psalm (Psalm 51). Sometimes, beauty can come from the ash heap of our guilt and shame, when we have a truly contrite heart (Isaiah 61:1-3).

Simon Peter

In John 13, Jesus is talking rather cryptically about his trial and subsequent crucifixion and Peter boldy proclaims that he would lay down his life for Jesus (John 13:36-38). But when the time came, Peter promptly denied that he even knew Jesus (Mark 14:66-71). And after hearing the rooster crow for the second time, Peter, wracked with guilt, broke down (Mark 14:72).

I'm not sure that would be something that most men could move past. But Christ Jesus in His wisdom and mercy, removed the guilt from Peter (Mark 16:1-7 and 1 Corinthians 15:3-5). We don't know what was said in the conversation between Jesus and Peter, but it lifted the weight of the world from Peter. Jesus once again appeared to His disciples by the sea (John 21:1-19) and once again, spoke only to Simon Peter.

Peter was able to move past the guilt and shame to become one of greatest preachers of the gospel in history.

The Apostle Paul

We are introduced to a man named Saul in the book of Acts, at the stoning of Stephen (Acts 7:54-58). Saul of Tarsus was bent on stamping out this movement The Way (Acts 8:1-3 and Acts 9:1-2). But, again, in His wisdom Christ Jesus turned a staunch enemy into a staunch ally. He converted Saul on the spot (Acts 9:3-9). Saul had been struck blind by his encounter with Christ on the road. Jesus arranged for a disciple to go to Saul and heal him (Acts 9:10-19). After gathering his strength Saul immediatlely began to preach the gospel of Christ Jesus.

King Jesus would eventually change Saul's name to Paul. Paul continued to preach and would occasionally recount his experience on the road to Damascus and his persecution of the church (Acts 22:6-21, Acts 26:12-18, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 and Philippians 3:1-11).

Paul spoke of a "thorn in his flesh" (2 Corinthians 12:7-9). Some say it may be referring to the guilt he has over persecuting the church. We can only guess what it may have been. In any case, Paul moved past that guilt in the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and preached the gospel to the world.


Thursday, March 7, 2024

Wrath and Mercy

Romans 9:1-15

I love reading about what God did all through the bible. When I take a step back and look at the big picture, I see a pattern emerge. God's wrath and His mercy again and again.

In Genesis, God has decided to judge Sodom and Gamorrah. Abraham tried to negotiate with God to spare the cities (Genesis 18:20-33). It did not work. The negotiations failed because not even 10 men could be found who were not absolutely corrupt. God poured out His judgement against the two cities and they were completely destroyed. But God remembered Abraham and had mercy on Lot, Abraham's nephew, and his family (Genesis 19:27-29).

In Exodus, the people of Isreal got Aaron to make them an idol to worship. God knew what they were doing and was going to pour His wrath out on them (Genesis 32:7-10), but Moses interceded for them and God showed mercy (Genesis 32:11-14).

Once again, the people of Israel did not trust God and used their own judgement in their own understanding. And once again, God was going to judge them for it. And yet again, Moses interceded for them (Numbers 14:6-12).

Then in Numbers 16, a guy named Korah tried to turn Israel against Moses and God. I kind of thought it was funny how God told Moses, "Tell everyone to move away from Korah." As far as I'm concerned Korah was the king of bad ideas. It did not end well for him.

Fast forward to the birth of Christ Jesus. The most significant event in human history. The salvation of God prepared for us all (Luke 2:25-32). The pattern continued. In Christ Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3).

In Christ, we have the ultimate mercy, forgiveness and eternal life, eternally secure (Colossians 3:1-3).

Also holding to the pattern, there are those who will refuse to believe and continue in their sin, and God will, in the end, pour out His wrath. It will be like nothing anyone has ever seen.

Those of us who have been redeemed, the elect, will be spared from that wrath (Romans 9:1-18).

So, in conclusion, all of the times God was going to judge, there was someone there to intercede on behalf of the people. All of this pointed directly to Christ Jesus, the final High Priest, the final sacrifice. Our intercessor forever.