Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hope and Joy

Malachi 4:1-6

Once again, God offers hope to people who are otherwise damned. He has sent His prophet to inform them of their options, and they chose for themselves. Many chose poorly (Malachi 4:1).

For the ones who took hold of the hope being held out to them, there would be unimaginable joy. There would be healing for them (Isaiah 61:1-3).

I love the imagery used in Malachi 4:2. "...You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall." Just the thought of that makes me want to laugh with joy. I've watched a calf in the field playing and leaping around. When I see that in my mind's eye in this context, my heart leaps with joy!

People talk about death as something to be dreaded. But, look what God did! For those of us in Christ Jesus, the grave has become a place of hope for the inexpressable joy that waits for us on the other side of this life. (1Peter 1:6-9)

We are free in Christ (John 8:31-34). Some teach that because we are free, we may behave however we want. I disagree. We are free from sin, we are free from judgement, we are free from condemnation. We are not free from responsibility.

We were freed for a purpose (John 17:20-23). The life of a believer in Christ Jesus should be one of humility and of discipline (Malachi 4:4, John 14:15).

Malachi left the people with a last word from God. Another reference to John the Baptist (Malachi 4:5-6, Luke 1:16-17).

This made me ponder the significance of so many references to John the Baptist. Maybe the answer is obvious to some, but not to me. I know it must be important. Jesus Himself said how He regarded John (Matthew 11:11).

John the Baptist had the most important job in the history of prepare the way for the Lamb of God (Isaiah 40:3, Matthew 3:1-3, John 1:26-29).


Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Book

Malachi 3:16-18

God listened. Through the noise of angry fist shakers and the complainers and blamers, He could hear quiet conversations. His name was being spoken in gentle, hushed tones. His great works were being fearfully recounted by those who love Him.

God heard their words. He gazed into their hearts and saw something that moved Him. His memory went back to the garden. To the cool evenings when He walked with His still pure children. To a time before the stench of sin permiated everything.

A book was written for the ones who still loved God. A remembrance for the ones He would spare. These would be the ones He would show as examples when righteousness was taught.

Maybe we need to pause a moment and review our conversations. (Luke 6:45)

Father, fill my heart with Your Spirit so that my conversation will move You to remember.