Saturday, October 29, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

Romans 1:19-20

People who say that they do not believe God exists are being dishonest. They have exchanged the truth of God for a lie (Romans 1:22-25).

There are those who, having come to know God in Christ, testify that before hearing the gospel, they knew.

My wife reads a lot. I will admit that she is smarter (or at least knows more) than me. We have book after book on shelf after shelf in our office at home. She has read them all.

Cheryl, my wife, told me something that she had read about Helen Keller. She said that the person who taught Helen how to communicate with others was a christian. Once Helen had a working vocabulary, the teacher shared the gospel with her. After doing this, Helen Keller's response was, "I always wondered what His name was."

I heard another story similar to Helen Keller's. It was told by my favorite singer and writer in the world. Michael Card. He said that he was in China one time. He was going to do a concert for a group of believers at a university there. The government found out about it, and made them cancel the concert. Michael met with some of the students and sang some songs for them. They started talking, and a few of the students shared testimonies.

A young Chinese woman said that as a child, she knew that there had to be someone who created all the beauty she saw around her. The flowers, the mountains, sunsets, sunrises, the sky, stars, etc....

The young lady said that she met some missionaries in her home town. They preached the gospel, and she said, "Imagine my joy when I found out He has a name."


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Standard Feature - GPS

Genesis 1:14-18

They are fixed points in the heavens. Each one ablaze from the sound of His voice and carried on His holy breath. Each one in it's specific place, held steady by the The One Who Is And Was And Is To Come (Colossians 1:15-17, Revelation 1:8). The Ancient of Days. Each one for His purpose. Each one because of His great wisdom and mercy.

He put them there for us to see and enjoy. He put them there to help our understanding of who He is and how His creation works. So we could marvel at our Creator.

He put them there so we would always find our way home.

There has only been one that really mattered. Only one that was used to navigate a group of wise men to the most significant event in all of history. (Matthew 2:1-10)


Thursday, October 6, 2011

True Genius

1 Corinthians 1:25-29

I saw something today that sparked my imagination. After turning it over in my little head for a while, the spark ignited a raging inferno.

I couldn't wait to get home from my walk to write this.

Okay, please bear with me for a moment while I set this up. It's pretty cool.

I don't know a lot about rocket science or aerospace technology, so if you are an actual aerospace engineer or rocket scientist, please forgive me.

From what I have read, when a space vehicle is going to be sent to another planet, many complicated (to me, anyway) calculations must be performed. They have to know where the planet is in relation to where the Earth is at the chosen launch date. They use this information to calculate where the planet will be in the time that it takes the space vehicle to travel the required distance. This takes teams of engineers and mathematicians and who knows what else weeks of planning and calculating and simulating. They have to eliminate every possible variable.
A lot of really smart people a really long time for a one shot, hit or go home deal.

Stay with me.

I was watching some birds fly while I was out walking today. That is what sparked my imagination.

A bird of prey, from the altitude it is flying, can spot it's food. The calculations are made. Where the target is in relation to where he is. Where the target will be in the time it takes to travel the required distance. Wind speed and altitude. Angle and speed of descent. Size and weight of target. Depth of target (if it's in the water). Every variable eliminated.

All this happens in a split second. No consulting with others, no calculators or computer simulations. None of that. All the same planning in a millisecond.

These creatures have brains that are tiny compared to ours. Yet they can perform these precise calculations in the blink of an eye. (1 Corinthians 1:27)

God built it all in. Preloaded software.

God is indeed AWESOME!