I was looking at a picture of some movie stars today. They looked so happy with great big smiles on their faces. But there was something about their eyes. They just looked so....empty.
Of course, I don't know anything about them personally. They may be quite happy. This is not about them. This is about people whose lives are empty. People who don't know the Joy of the Lord.
More and more, Hollywood types and those in academia are presenting God and Jesus and the bible as mythology. 'The world' in general seems to have taken on a more atheistic point of view. Deep down, this must make life seem rather pointless. Empty.
In Psalm 1, we read that the believer is like a tree planted by streams of water and that unbelievers are like chaff that the wind drives away. They are...empty.
In Psalm 3, we see that we can sleep and not be afraid, even though there is trouble everywhere around us. Our Great God sustains us. Not so for the unbelievers. Their peace is fragile at best. Empty.
In Psalm 4, we see how God has set us apart for Himself and how, in Him, we dwell in peace and safety. The unbelievers make fun of us for clinging to our 'myth'. They love vain words and seek after lies. They are so easily deceived in their desperate search for acceptance and happiness because their hearts are so....empty.
If you are reading this, and you are one of the unbelievers, remember what I'm about to say. If you are reading this and you are a believer, then be encouraged by the words of Jude:
God is strong. He is able to keep you from falling, and can bring you into the presence of His glory with no wrong in you, and give you great joy!
Thank you, Father for giving me the gift of salvation and the great joy that comes with it. For making my heart and life so...full.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Empty Smiles
Posted by Mark Reece at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Born To Be Alive
I heard a song on the radio today while I was doing my work. It was a Queen song. One of the lyrics caught my attention for some reason. It started the wheels in my little head turning.
The lyric was '...sometimes I wish I had never been born...'
I'm glad I was born. I'm very thankful that I was born. I have experienced so many things in my time here that I wouldn't trade for anything. Experiences that have shaped me into who I am today. I'm thankful for even the worst of my experiences.
God took the time to create me. He put in me a mind and a spirit. He gave me a memory and the ability to learn. He made me an individual, a special child of His. He gave me a way to have a relationship with Him that not even the angels have.
(1Peter 1:12)
If I had never been born, I would have never experienced the love of family and friends. I would have never had the special love of someone who is put above all others...a wife. I would have never experienced heart break and the things learned from it.
If I had never been born, I would never have experienced the adventures I had in the military. I would never have experienced the absolute awe of the beauty of His creation as seen from the top of a mountain.
If I had never been born, I would have never experienced the salvation of our Great God.
Thank You, Father, for creating me. Thank You for the experiences. Thank You for giving me Your Son, and for giving me to Him. Thank You for the bad things and what You taught me through them. Thank You for the good things. Thank you for allowing me to marry the one that was made for me. Thank You for putting people in my path that You taught me through. Thank You for using me to teach others. Thank You for forgiving me when I disappoint You. Thank You for being my wise and loving Father who will never forsake me.
Posted by Mark Reece at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 10, 2011
Nerd Alert!
In Genesis 11:1-9, we read the account of the construction of the first sky scraper.
The city would end up being called Babel, because of something God did there.
We see in this passage that there was a common language and a united group of people.
So united, in fact, that they could accomplish anything they wanted to.(Genesis 11:6)
It is in this verse of scripture where my nerdy imagination bounds out of control. In the previous verse, we see that the tower had already been built. It must have really been something to see, for even the Lord came down to see it.
What else had man accomplished in this time period? Had they developed more advanced technology than we know about? Could that civilization have advanced at a much more rapid pace than ours? We live in a world of diverse and conflicting views and different political and religious ideologies. Building projects sometimes stay in the planning stages for years before a single design can be agreed upon. But the society in Genesis 11 was united in purpose and ideology.
Is it possible that they could have developed technologies beyond what we have today? Could they have been further along in their understanding of science and mathematics than we are now? With such a Utopian society and such singularity in purpose, I suppose it is possible. It's kind of fun to think about, anyway.
The only problem is that what they were united in and what they were building a monument to was themselves. (Genesis 11:4) A whole city and a wondrous tower dedicated to the worship of man kind.
This was just a couple of generations past the sons of Noah. It was starting again already. (Genesis 6:5-6)
God could have gone ahead and scrapped everything and started over. But He chose mercy. What He did at Babel was an act of pure grace. He confused the languages. He took away their unity and dispersed them throughout the earth.
This jolt was needed for them to remember their dependence on God, not themselves. For them to return to Him. To remind them.
Job said it best. "I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted." (Job 42:2)
Posted by Mark Reece at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year
Well, another year is gone. They seem to be going by a little faster now.
I no longer make New Year's Resolutions. I rarely kept them when I did.
There is one resolution that I am going to make. It is not a yearly one, but a daily one. I want to purpose in my heart to be a follower of Christ Jesus. To be a 'doer' of His word and not a 'hearer' only.
I want to be resolved in my heart to be a more focused Christian (Hebrews 12:1-2).
Life doesn't last long. I'm starting to see that more clearly as the years begin to pass more quickly. I don't want to continue wasting the time that I have been allotted. What comes after this is a vast and unmeasurable eternity. I would like for my brief time here to be more than just a blip on the radar screen.
I want for people to know the love of God in Christ Jesus because of how I obeyed. Not just a fond memory of a funny fat guy.
As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him.
For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust.
As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field;
for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.
But the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children's children,
to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his commandments.
Psalm 103:13-18
Posted by Mark Reece at 1:21 PM 0 comments