Saturday, December 12, 2009

Just Wondering

If I were to suddenly gain the powers of Superman, would I use them responsibly or would it corrupt me?

If I had the ability to hear the thoughts of others, would I want to know what they really think of me?

If I had it to do over again, knowing what I know now, would I make different choices? Would it change who I am now?

If confronted with some real persecution, would I have the courage not to deny Christ Jesus?

If I were President of the United States, would I break under the pressure, or would I stand firm on the principles and precepts of God?

If I knew today were my last day on earth, how would I conduct myself?

Just some of the silly thoughts that run through my little brain.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I heard a song that talked about Jesus. It talked about the religious scholars of His day. About who Jesus is and who it was that they expected. A phrase from that song sticks out in my mind. "Their wildest dreams simply weren't wild enough."

There is an adjective(thanks Jena)that I like to use when describing God: Unexpected.

It started way back in the garden. (Genesis 3:14-15, 3:21) Ever since the fall, the whole law and the prophets pointed to this one event. The most significant event in all of history. The arrival of our Messiah.

The prophet Isaiah told us who our Messiah would be. Immanuel. God with us.
(Isaiah 7:14)

People were expecting some great warrior king. The thought of a homeless guy who was thought to be crazy by even His own family never entered their minds. They were looking for a great leader. They got a humble servant. They were expecting a thunderous entrance and an overwhelming victory. They got a baby wrapped in swaddling bands laying in a manger surrounded by shepherds. (Luke 2:1-19)

Not what they expected at all.

So, who is He? According to the first chapter in John's gospel, He is the very Word of God wrapped in flesh.(John 1:1-14) Is that all? Is he simply the embodiment of all God had spoken? A walking bible?

He is WAY more than that. Read Colossians 1:13-17.

I would like to, if I may, share with you a poem I wrote a while back. It's based on what I call the Old Testament gospels. Messianic prophecies.

The Arm of Salvation (Isaiah 59)

The scene was so sad
His beloved gone wild
His people gone mad
Watching evil and condoning
Then wanting light
They find themselves groping and growling and moaning
Sins are known
So much they have sewn
Truth has stumbled in the street
Justice walks away in defeat
Righteousness watches from afar in shock
But God is here and made a way
That which stumbled is now a stumbling block
God said ‘No More’
He put on flesh
And dressed for war

Merry Christmas! Jesus, indeed, is the reason for the season! Let us join in giving thanks and praise to our great God and Savior, and looking forward to when He comes again...the way He was expected to the first time.

I wonder what Christmas II will be like in Heaven. :)